G. Cuvier (Georges) - (latinized: Cuvierius) French naturalist and zoologist.
Born: 23 Aug 1769 in Montbéliard
Died: 14 May 1832
Multi-volume works
Cuvier, [G.], 1817[1816]. Le Règne Animal distribué d'après son Organisation. Deterville, Paris, [Nov 1816]: 4 vols.. ≡
Cuvier, [G.], 1829-1830. Le Règne Animal distribué d'après son Organisation. Nouvelle Édition, revue et augmentée. Déterville/Crochard, Paris: 5 vols.. ≡
Cuvier, G., An 6[1797]. Tableau élémentaire de l'histoire naturelle des animaux. Baudouin, Paris, [22 Sep - 24 Dec 1797]: xvi, 710 pp.. ≡
Cuvier, [G.], 1813. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. William Blackwood, Edinburgh; John Murray, London; Robert Baldwin, London: [i]-xiii, [1]-265, pls. I-II. ≡
Cuvier, [G.], 1815. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. Second Edition, with Additions. William Blackwood, Edinburgh; John Murray, London; Robert Baldwin, London: [i]-xvi, [1]-332, pls. I-IV. ≡
Cuvier, [G.], 1818. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. Kirk & Mercein, New York: [i]-xxiii, 1 p., [25]-431, pls. I-VIII. ≡
Cuvier, [G.], 1822. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. Fourth Edition, with additions. William Blackwood, Edinburgh; T. Cadell, London, (>2 Apr) 1822: [i]-xxiii, [1]-454, pls. I-V. ≡
Cuvier, G., 1827. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. Fifth Edition, translated from the last French edition, with numerous additions by the author and translator. William Blackwood, Edinburgh; T. Cadell, London: [i]-xxiv, [1]-550, pls. I-IX. ≡
Cuvier, G., 1795b. Second Mémoire sur l'organisation et les rapports des animaux à sang blanc, dans lequel on traite de la structure des Mollusques et de leur division en ordre. Magazin Encyclopédique II (VIII): [433]-449. ≡
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