J.F. De Jonckheere (Johan)
De Jonckheere, J.F., Dive, D.G., Pussard, M. & Vickerman, K., 1984. Willaertia magna gen. nov., sp. nov. (Vahlkampfiidae), a thermophilic amoeba found in different habitats. Protistologica 20: 5-13.
De Jonckheere, J.F., Brown, S., Walochnik, J., Aspöck, H. & Michel, R., 2005. Morphological investigation of three Tetramitus spp. which are phylogenetically very closely related: Tetramitus horticolus, Tetramitus russelli n. comb. and Tetramitus pararusselli n. sp. European Journal of Protistology 41: 139-150.