F. McCoy (Frederick) - ["MᶜCoy"]
MᶜCoy, F., 1854. Contributions to British palæontology. MacMillan and Co., Cambridge: [i]-viii, [1]-272. ≡
MᶜCoy, F., 1851. VI. - On some new Silurian Mollusca. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 7 (37), Jan 1851: 45-63. ≡
MᶜCoy, F., 1855. Description of the British Palæozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge. In A. Sedgwick, A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palæozoic Rocks. John W. Parker and son, London; Deighton, Bell & Co.; and MacMillan & Co., Cambridge: [1]-661.