E.C. Bovee (Eugene)
Bovee, E.C., 1953. A proposed new genus of mayorellid amoebas, exemplified by Triaenamoeba nov. gen. bulla nov. sp. Anat. Rec. 117.
Bovee, E.C., 1956. Some observations on the morphology and activities of a new amoeba from citrus wastes, Flamella citrensis n. sp. J. Protozool. 3: 151-153.
Honigberg, B.M., Balamuth, W., Bovee, E.C., Corliss, J.O., Gojdics, M., Hall, R.P., Kudo, R.R., Levine, N.D., Loeblich Jr., A.R., Weiser, J. & Wenrich, D.H., 1964. A Revised Classification of the Phylum Protozoa. J. Protozool. 11 (1), Feb 1964: 7-20. ≡
Bovee, E.C., 1965. An emendation of the amoeba genus Flabellula and a description of Vannella gen. nov. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 84: 217-227.
Bovee, E.C. & Jahn, T.L., 1965. Mechanisms of movement in taxonomy of sarcodina. II. The organisation of subclasses and orders in relationship to the classes Autotractea and Hydraulea. Amer. Midl. Nat. 73: 293-298.
Jahn, T.L. & Bovee, E.C., 1965. Mechanisms of movement in taxonomy of Sarcodina. I. As a basis for a new major dichtomy into two classes, Autotractea and Hydraulea. Amer. Midl. Nat. 73: 30-40.
Bovee, E.C. & Jahn, T.L., 1966. Mechanisms of Movement in Taxonomy of Sarcodina. III. Orders, Suborders, Families, and Subfamilies in the Superorder Lobida. Systematic Zoology 15(3), Sep 1966: 229-240. ≡
Bovee, E.C., 1970. The lobose amebas. I. A key to the suborder Conopodina Bovee and Jahn, 1966 and descriptions of thirteen new and little known Mayorella species. Arch. Protistenk. 112: 178-227.
Bovee, E.C., 1985. The lobose amebas III. Description of nine new conopodous amoebae of the genus Vexillifera Schaeffer, 1926 emend. Bovee, 1951, 1970 with comments on the genus. Arch. Protistenk. 129: 101-118.
Fishbeck, D.W. & Bovee, E.C., 1993. Two New Amoebae, Striamoeba sparolata n. sp. and Flamella tiara n. sp., from Fresh Water. Ohio J. Sci. 93(5): 134-139. ≡