K.R. Buck (Kurt [Randall])
Buck, K.R., 1981. A study of choanoflagellates (Acanthoecidae) from the Weddell Sea, including a description of Diaphanoeca multiannulata n. sp. J. Protozool. 28: 47-54.
Buck, K.R., 1990. 14c. Phylum Zoomastigina, Class Choanomastigotes (Choanoflagellates). In L. Margulis et al. (eds.), Handbook of Protoctista: 194-199.
Buck, K.R., Marchant, H.J., Thomsen, H.A. & Garrison, D.L., 1990. Kakoeca antarctica gen. et sp.n., a loricate choanoflagellate (Acanthoecidae, Choanoflagellida) from Antarctic sea ice with a unique protoplast suspensory membrane. Zool. Scr. 19 (4), Jul 1990: 389-394.