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Reference: Protistologica
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  1. Codreanu, R., 1967. Sur une Microsporidie nouvelle hyperparasite d'une Grégarine du genre Enterocystis et le statut systématique de la famille des Enterocystidae M. Codreanu, 1940, propres aux Ephémères: 351-352.
  2. Dragesco, J., 1968. Les genres Pleuronema Dujardin, Schizocalyptra nov. gen. et Histiobalantium Stokes (ciliés holotriches hyménostomes): 85-106.
  3. Ormières, R. & Frezil, J.L., 1969. Aurantiactinomyxon eiseniellae n. sp., Actinomyxidie parasite d'Eiseniella tetraedra Sav. (Oligochaeta-Lumbricidae): 137-144.
  4. Albaret, J.-L., 1970. 225-239.
  5. Laval, M., 1971. Ultrastructure et mode de nutrition du choanoflagellé Salpingoeca pelagica, sp. nov. Comparison avec les choanocytes des Spongiaires: 325-336.
  6. Hollande, A. & Carruette-Valentin, J., 1971. Les attractophores, l'induction du fuseau et la division cellulaire chez les Hypermastigines: Etude infrastructurale et révision systématique des Trichonymphines et des Spirotrichonymphines: 5-100.
  7. Holt, P.A., Lynn, D.H. & Corliss, J.O., 1973[1974]. An ultrastructural study of the tentacle-bearing ciliate Actinobolina smalli n. sp. and its systematic and phylogenetic implications: 521-541.
  8. Pussard, M., 1973. Description d'une amibe de type flabellulien: Pessonella marginata n. g. n. sp. (Mayorellidae, Amoebaea): 175-185.
  9. Darbyshire, J.F., Page, F.C. & Goodfellow, L.P., 1976. Paratetramitus jugosus, an amoebo-flagellate of soils and freshwater, type-species of Paratetramitus nov. gen.: 375-387.
  10. Hibberd, D.J., 1976. Observations on the ultrastructure of three new species of Cyathobodo Petersen et Hansen (C. salpinx, C. intricatus and C. simplex) and on the external morphology of Pseudodendromonas vlkii Bourrelly: 2.
  11. Molet, B. & Ermolieff-Braun, G., 1976. Description d'une amibe d'eau douce, Acanthamoeba lenticulata sp. nov.: 571-576.
  12. Pernin, P. & Pussard, M., 1979. Etude en microscopie photonique et electronique d'une amibe voisine du genre Acanthamoeba: Comandonia operculata n. gen., n. sp. (Amoebida, Acanthamoebida).: 87-102.
  13. Pussard, M., Alabouvette, C. & Pons, R., 1979. Etude preliminaire d'une amibe mycophage Thecamoeba granifera ssp. minor (Thecamoebidae, Amoebida): 139-149.
  14. Larsson, R., 1980. Insect pathological investigations on Swedish Thysanura, II: A new microsporidian parasite of Petrobius brevistylis (Microcoryphia, Machilidae), description of the species and creation of a new genus and a new family.
  15. Pussard, M., Alabouvette, C., Lemaitre, I. & Pons, R., 1980. Une nouvelle amibe mycophage endogee Cashia mycophaga n. sp. (Hartmannellidae, Amoebida).: 443-451.
  16. Page, F.C., 1981. Mayorella Schaeffer, 1926, and Hollandella n. g. (Gymnamoebia), distinguished by surface structures, with comparisons of three species: 543-562.
  17. Hibberd, D.J., 1983[1984]. Ultrastructure of the colonial colourless zooflagellates Phalansterium digitatum Stein (Phalansteriida ord. nov.) and Spongomonas uvella Stein (Spongomonadida ord. nov.).: 523-535.
  18. De Jonckheere, J.F., Dive, D.G., Pussard, M. & Vickerman, K., 1984. Willaertia magna gen. nov., sp. nov. (Vahlkampfiidae), a thermophilic amoeba found in different habitats.: 5-13.
  19. Zimmermann, B., Moestrup, Ø. & Hällfors, G., 1984. Chrysophyte or heliozoon: ultrastructural studies on a cultured species of Pseudopedinella (Pedinellales ord. nov.), with comments on species taxonomy: 591-612.
  20. Page, F.C. & Blanton, R.L., 1985. The Heterolobosea (Sarcodina: Rhizopoda), a new class uniting the Schizopyrenida and the Acrasidae (Acrasida): 121-132.
  21. Chakraborty, S. & Pussard, M., 1985. Ripidomyxa australiensis nov. gen. nov. sp. , a mycophagous amoeba from Australian soil: 133-140.
  22. Siemensma, F.J. & Page, F.C., 1986. A light- and electron-microscopical study of Trichamoeba sinuosa n. sp. (Amoebida) with a re-diagnosis of the genus.: 117-125.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024