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Reference: W.P. Woodring, 1957-1973
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Series volume

Woodring, W.P. 1957-1973. Geology and Paleontology Of Canal Zone and Adjoining Parts of Panama. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. (306).


  1. Woodring, W.P., 1957. Geology and Description of Tertiary Mollusks (Gastropods: Trochidae to Turritellidae): [I]-IV, 1-145, pls. 1-23.
  2. Woodring, W.P., 1959. Description of Tertiary Mollusks (Gastropods: Vermetidae to Thaididae): [I]-III, 147-239, pls. 24-38.
  3. Woodring, W.P., 1964. Description of Tertiary Mollusks (Gastropods: Columbellidae to Volutidae): [I]-III, 241-297, pls. 39-47.
  4. Woodring, W.P., 1970. Description of Tertiary Mollusks (Gastropods: Eulimidae, Marginellidae to Helminthoglyptidae): [I]-III, 299-452, pls. 48-66.
  5. Woodring, W.P., 1973. Description of Tertiary Mollusks (Additions to gastropods, scaphopods, pelecypods: Nuculidae to Malleidae): [I]-III, 453-539, pls. 67-82.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024