Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences.
Chace Jr., F.A., 1936.
Revision of the bathypelagic prawns of the family Acanthephyridae, with notes on a new family Gomphonotidae: 24-31.
MacNeil, F.S., 1937.
The systematic position of the pelecypod genus Trinacria: 452-458.
Young, R.T., 1953.
Postmonorchis donacis, a new species of monorchid trematode from the Pacific coast, and its life history: 88-93.
Loomis, H.F., 1958.
A new family of millipeds on Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone: 235-237.
Atyeo, W.T., Baker, E.W. & Delfinado, M.D., 1974.
Gaudiella minuta, A New Genus and Species of Mite (Acarina: Acaridia) Belonging to the New Family Gaudiellidae: 295-[297].
Russell, L.M., 1974.
Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch), the correct name of the grape phylloxeran (Hemiptera: Homoptera: Phylloxeridae): 303-308.