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Global 200 ecoregion: Guinean Moist Forests
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Terrestrial Realm (not used)
..Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests
....Albertine Rift Montane Forests
....Annamite Range Moist Forests
....Atlantic Forests
....Borneo Lowland and Montane Forests
....Cameroon Highlands Forests
....Cardamom Mountains Moist Forests
....Central Andean Yungas
....Central Congo Basin Moist Forests
....Chocó-Darién Moist Forests
....Coastal Venezuela Montane Forests
....Congolian Coastal Forests
....East African Coastal Forests
....Eastern Arc Montane Forests
....Eastern Deccan Plateau Moist Forests
....Greater Antillean Moist Forests
....Guayanan Highlands Moist Forests
....Guianan Moist Forests
....Hawaii Moist Forests
....Kayah-Karen / Tenasserim Moist Forests
....Lord Howe-Norfolk Islands Forests
....Madagascar Forests and Shrublands
....Moluccas Moist Forests
....Naga-Manupuri-Chin Hills Moist Forests
....Nansei Shoto Archipelago Forests
....Napo Moist Forests
....New Caledonia Moist Forests
....New Guinea Montane Forests
....Northeastern Congo Basin Moist Forests
....Northern Andean Montane Forests
....Northern Indochina Subtropical Moist Forests
....Palawan Moist Forests
....Peninsular Malaysian Lowland and Montane Forests
....Philippines Moist Forests
....Queensland Tropical Forests
....Rio Negro-Juruá Moist Forests
....Seychelles and Mascarenes Moist Forests
....Solomons-Vanuatu-Bismarck Moist Forests
....South Pacific Islands Forests
....Southeast China-Hainan Moist Forests
....Southern New Guinea Lowland Forests
....Southwestern Amazonian Moist Forests
....Southwestern Ghats Moist Forests
....Sri Lankan Moist Forests
....Sulawesi Moist Forests
....Sumatran Islands Lowland and Montane Forests
....Taiwan Montane Forests
....Talamancan-Isthmian Pacific Forests
....Western Congo Basin Moist Forests
....Western Java Montane Forests
....Guinean Moist Forests
Reptiles (1)
Birds (4)
Mammals (4)
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated:
1 Feb 2024