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Person: K.D. Hyde
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K.D. Hyde (Kevin) - Mycologist
Standard form: K.D.Hyde
Born: 1955


Goh, T.-K. & Hyde, K.D., 1996. Helicoon gigantisporum sp. nov., and an amended key to the genus. Mycol. Res. 100: 1485-1488.
Hyde, K.D., Wong, S.-W. & Jones, E.B.G., 1998. Diluviocola capensis gen. and sp. nov., a freshwater ascomycete with unique polar caps on the ascospores. Fungal Diversity 1, Oct 1998: 133-146.
Hibbett, D.S., Binder, M., Bischoff, J.F., Blackwell, M., Cannon, P.F., Eriksson, O.E., Huhndorf, S., James, T., Kirk, P.M., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, H.T., Lutzoni, F., Matheny, P.B., McLaughlin, D.J., Powell, M.J., Redhead, S., Schoch, C.L. et al., 2007. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycological Research 111, 13 Mar 2007: 509-547.
Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Rajeshkumar, K.C., Hawksworth, D.L., Madrid, H., Kirk, P.M., Braun, U., Singh, R.V., Crous, P.W., Kukwa, M., Lücking, R., Kurtzman, C.P., Yurkov, A., Haelewaters, D., Aptroot, A., Lumbsch, H.T., Timdal, E., Ertz, D., Etayo, J., Phillips, A.J.L., Groenewald, J.Z., Papizadeh, M., Selbmann, L., Dayarathne, M.C., Weerakoon, G., Jones, E.B.G., Suetrong, S., Tian, Q., Castañeda-Ruiz, R.F., Bahkali, A.H., Pang, K.-L., Tanaka, K., Dai, D.Q., Sakayaroj, J., Hujslová, M. et al., 2017. Notes for genera: Ascomycota. Fungal Diversity 86: 1-594.
Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Tibpromma, S., Wanasinghe, D.N., Thambugala, K.M., Tian, Q., Wang, Y. & Fu, L., 2017. Towards incorporating asexual fungi in a natural classification: checklist and notes 2012-2016. Mycosphere 8 (9), 18 Oct 2017: 1457-1555.
Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Lumbsch, H.T., Liu, J.K., Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N., Ekanayaka, A.H., Tian, Q. & Phookamsak, R., 2018. Outline of Ascomycota: 2017. Fungal Diversity 88, 29 Jan 2018: 167-263.
Wijayawardene, N.N., Pawłowska, J., Letcher, P.M., Kirk, P.M., Humber, R.A., Schüßler, A., Wrzosek, M., Muszewska, A., Okrasińska, A., Istel, Ł., Gęsiorska, A., Mungai, P., Lateef, A.A., Rajeshkumar, K.C., Singh, R.V., Radek, R., Walther, G., Wagner, L., Walker, C., Wijesundara, D.S.A., Papizadeh, M., Dolatabadi, S., Shenoy, B.D., Tokarev, Y.S., Lumyong, S. & Hyde, K.D., 2018. Notes for genera: basal clades of Fungi (including Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota). Fungal Diversity 92 (1), Sep 2018: 43-129.
He, M.-Q., Zhao, R.-L., Hyde, K.D., Begerow, D., Kemler, M., Yurkov, A., McKenzie, E.H.C., Raspé, O., Kakishima, M., Sánchez-Ramírez, S., Vellinga, E.C., Halling, R., Papp, V., Zmitrovich, I.V., Buyck, B., Ertz, D., Wijayawardene, N.N., Cui, B.-K., Schoutteten, N., Liu, X.-Z., Li, T.-H., Yao, Y.-J., Zhu, X.-Y., Liu, A.-Q., Li, G.-J., Zhang, M.-Z., Ling, Z.-L., Cao, B., Antonín, V., Boekhout, T., Barbosa da Silva, B.D., De Crop, E., Decock, C., Dima, B., Dutta, A.K., Fell, J.W., Geml, J. et al., 2019. Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota. Fungal Diversity 99: 105-367.
Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Dai, D.Q., Sánchez-García, M., Goto, B.T., Saxena, R.K., Erdoğdu, M., Selçuk, F., Rajeshkumar, K.C., Aptroot, A., Błaszkowski, J., Boonyuen, N., da Silva, G.A., de Souza, F.A., Dong, W., Ertz, D., Haelewaters, D., Jones, E.B.G., Karunarathna, S.C., Kirk, P.M., Kukwa, M., Kumla, J., Leontyev, D.V., Lumbsch, H.T., Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N., Marguno, F., Martínez-Rodríguez, P., Mešić, A., Monteiro, J.S., Oehl, F., Pawłowska, J., Pem, D., Pfliegler, W.P. et al., 2022. Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa - 2021. Mycosphere 13 (1), 23 Feb 2022: 53-453.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024