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Taxon: Family Juncaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. - rush family (plant)


SN2000 author citation Durande, 1782 ex A.L. de Jussieu, 1789, nom. cons., orth. corr.
Unavailable original name & rank Durande, [J.F.] 1781(1782). Notions Élém. Bot.: 255 ("Junci"). [nom. praeinit.].
Original name & rank de Jussieu, A.L. 1789. Gen. Pl.: 43 ("Ordo"[=Family], "Junci").
Subsequent spelling Roussel, 1806. F1. Calvados (ed. 2): 151.
Description/Diagnosis in Latin de Jussieu, A.L. 1789. Gen. Pl.: 43-44.


Corrected termination of typified name (: orth. corr.) [ICBN/ICN, 2012: Art. 18.1 (family)] Ref: R.D. Hoogland & J.L. Reveal, 2005. Bot. Rev. 71 (1/2): 120 ("First correct orthography"). [implicit]
Conserved name (nom. cons. [prop.]) [ICBN/ICN, 2012: Art. 14, Rec. 50E.1, App. II-IV] Ref: W. Greuter et al. (eds.), 1994. In W. Greuter (ed.), Regnum Vegetabile 131: App. IIB (p. 108).


TypeJuncus (Genus) L. (1753) Ref: W. Greuter et al. (eds.), 1994: App. IIB (p. 108).


Pre-starting point nameJunci (Family) Durande (1782), nom. inval.
Pre-starting point nameJunci (Section) Adans. (1763), nom. inval.

Vernacular Names (Dutch)

Full namerussenfamilie Ref: R. van der Meijden, 1990: 488.

Vernacular Names (English)

Full namerush family
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024