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Taxon: Genus Macranthera Nutt. ex Benth. (1835) (plant)


SN2000 author citation Nuttall ex Bentham, 1836[1835]
Original name, rank & spelling Bentham, 1836[1835]. Edwards's Bot. Reg. 21, [1 Jun 1835]: ad. pl. 1770 [6] (no. 78: "Nutt.").
Original inclusion of species Hooker, W.J. 1835[1836]. Companion Bot. Mag. 1 [6], [1 Jan 1836]: 174 ("Le Conte. Benth.").
Subsequent publication Bentham, G. 1835[1836]. In W.J. Hooker, Companion Bot. Mag. 1 [7], [1 Feb 1836]: 201, 203 ("Torrey").


TypeMacranthera fuschioides (Nutt.) Lecomte & Bentham


Replaced synonymConradia (Genus) Nutt. (1834), nom. illeg. Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present: 9 Feb 1996.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024