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Taxon: Genus Parnalius Rafinesque, 1815, nom. rej. (butterfly)


SN2000 author citation Rafinesque, 1815, nom. nov., nom. suppr. part.
Original name Rafinesque, 1815. Analyse, 128.


New replacement name (: nom. nov.) [ICZN] Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]. Nomencl. Zool.: 25 May 2013.
Name placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology [ICZN, 1999: Art. 80.7] Ref: R.V. Melville & J.D.D. Smith (eds.), 1987. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, U.K.: 142 ([ICZN, 1979:] Opinion 1134).
Partially suppressed name (nom. rej.: "nom. suppr. part.") [ICZN, 1999: Art. 81.2.2 (obj./subj. syn.)] Ref: R.V. Melville & J.D.D. Smith (eds.), 1987. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, U.K.: 142 ([ICZN, 1979:] Opinion 1134).


Type, by synonymy, ofZerynthini (Tribe) nom. null. Ref: P. Smart, 1989 (1975): 260. [inferred]


Replaced synonymThais (Genus) Fabricius, 1807, nom. illeg. Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]: 25 May 2013.
Junior objective synonymZerynthia (Genus) Ochsenheimer, 1816 Ref: B. Pitkin & P. Jenkins, 2002-present: [19 Jul 2017].
Conserved synonymZerynthia (Genus) Ochsenheimer, 1816 Ref: B. Pitkin & P. Jenkins, 2002-present: (ICZN, 1979. Opinion 1134).
Synonymous name (objective)Zerynthia (Genus) Ochsenheimer, 1816 Ref: P. Smart, 1989 (1975): 260.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024