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Taxon: Species Micarea micrococca (Körb.) Gams ex Coppins (2002) (fungus) [unverified]


SN2000 author citation (Körb.) Gams, 1967 ex Coppins, 2002
Original name (Körb.) Gams ex Coppins, 2002. Checklist of Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland (UK): 86.


BasionymBiatora micrococca Körb. (1860) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].


Synonymous nameBiatorina micrococca (Körb.) Arnold (1884) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameCatillaria micrococca (Körb.) Th.Fr. Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameLecidea micrococca (Körb.) Cromb. (1875) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameLecidea prasina (Fr.) Schaer. (1833) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameMicarea micrococca (Körb.) Brodo (1981) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameMicarea micrococca (Körb.) Gams (1967) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameMicarea prasina f. micrococca (Körb.) Hedl. (1892) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024