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Taxon: Genus Botrydiopsis Trevis. (1845), nom. illeg., nom. rej. (fungus)


SN2000 author citation Trevisan, 1845, nom. superfl., nom. rej.
Original name Trevisan, 1845. Nomencl. algar.: 70.


Rejected homonym (nom. rej. [prop.]) [ICBN/ICN, 2012: Art. 14.10] Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present. ING: 9 Feb 1996.
Superfluous name (nom. illeg.: "nom. superfl.") [ICBN/ICN, 2012: Art. 52.1] Ref: Index Fungorum, present. Index Fung.: [15 Oct 2020] ("Nom. illegit., Art. 52.1", "Circumscription includes the type of a name (Botrydina Bréb. ex Menegh. 1844) which ought to have been adopted").


Junior homonymBotrydiopsis (Genus) A. Borzì (1889), nom. cons. Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present: 9 Feb 1996. [implicit]
Conserved homonymBotrydiopsis (Genus) A. Borzì (1889), nom. cons. Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present: 9 Feb 1996.


Accepted nameLichenomphalia (Genus) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys (2002) Ref: M.-Q. He et al., 2019: 122.
Replaced synonymBotrydina (Genus) Bréb. ex Menegh. (1844), nom. utique rej. Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present: 9 Feb 1996 ("Illegitimate substitute name for Botrydina Brébisson 1839").
Senior objective synonymPhytoconis (Genus) Bory (1797), nom. rej. prop. Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present: 9 Feb 1996 ("by lectotypification").
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024