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Specimen: PVL 3850 (reptile)


Istituto Miguel Lillo Ref: S.J. Nesbitt, 2011: 36. ("premaxillae, nasals, fragmentary maxillae and one fragmentary maxilla that includes 10 incomplete teeth, fragmentary pterygoid, unrecognized cranial element, a posterior dentary including the articular, six cervical vertebrae, six dorsal vertebrae, eight caudal vertebrae, incomplete ischium, proximal part of the pubis, complete radius and ulna, right femur, fibula, astragalus and calcaneum, several fragmentary vertebrae, ribs, and osteoderms")


Holotype ofFasolasuchus tenax Bonaparte, 1981 Ref: S.J. Nesbitt, 2011: 36.
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024