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Taxon: Kingdom Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 - animals (animal)

Journal issues

Zhang, Z.-Q. (ed.), 2011. Animal biodiversity. Zootaxa 3148, 23 Dec 2011: 1-237.

Multi-volume works

Batsch, A.J.G.C., 1788-1789. Versuch einer Anleitung, zur Kenntniß und Geschichte der Thiere und Mineralien, für akademische Vorlesungen entworfen, und mit den nöthigsten Abbildungen versehen. Akademische Buchhandlung, Jena.
Cuvier, [G.], 1817[1816]. Le Règne Animal distribué d'après son Organisation. Deterville, Paris, [Nov 1816]: 4 vols..
Griffith, E. et al., 1827-1835[1824-1835]. The Animal Kingdom arranged in conformity with its Organization, by the Baron Cuvier, with additional Descriptions of all the Species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed. Geo. B. Whittaker, London: 15 vols., Index and Synopsis.
Sherborn, C.D., 1902-1933. Index Animalium. Cantabrigiae.


[von] Linné, C., 1766. Tomus I. Syst. Nat. (ed. 12): [1]-532.


Baillie, J. & Groombridge, B. (eds.), 1996. 1996 lUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. lUCN, Gland, Switzerland: Intro [1]-70, 1-368, Annex 1-10.
Groombridge, B. (ed.), 1993. 1994 lUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. lUCN - The World Conservation Union: [i]-lv, [1]-286.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1986. 1986 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, U.K.: [i]-x, [1]-105.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1988. 1988 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, U.K.: [i]-xviii, [1]-154.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1990. 1990 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K.: [i]-xxiv, [1]-192.
Kerr, R., 1792. The Animal Kingdom, or Zoological System, of the celebrated Sir Charles Linnæus. A. Strahan & T. Cadell, London; and W. Creech, Edinburgh, (Feb) 1792: [i]-xii, [1]-644.
Nielsen, C., 1995. Animal Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Nielsen, C., 2001. Animal Evolution. Second Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


van Nieukerken, E.J., 2010. Animalia - Dieren. In J. Noordijk, R.M.J.C. Kleukers, E.J. van Nieukerken & A.J. van Loon (eds.), De Nederlandse Biodiversiteit. Nederlandse Fauna 10: 111.
Zhang, Z.-Q., 2011. Animal biodiversity: An introduction to higher-level classification and taxonomic richness. In Z.-Q. Zhang (ed.), Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa 3148, 23 Dec 2011: 7-12.


Bock, W.J., 1982. Animalia. In S.P. Parker (ed.), Syn. Classif. Liv. Org. 1: [489]-490.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024