Natura - nature actualia - actual entities Mundus Plinius - physical world Caelum veter. - region of the fixed stars (Constellation) Indus Bayer, 1603 - Ind 203734.0-471729 (Star system) α Indi 204402.3-515516 (Star) η Indi 204929.0-461337 (Star) ζ Indi 205130.1-513630 (Star) ι Indi 205448.6-582715 (Star system) β Indi 210514.2-544338 (Star) μ Indi 211952.0-532659 (Star system) θ Indi 212615.4-543938 (Star) γ Indi 215047.1-693746 (Star) ο Indi 215614.0-575358 (Star) π Indi 215755.1-545933 (Star system) δ Indi 215830.1-590044 (Star) κ¹ Indi 220321.6-564710 (Star) ε Indi 220550.9-593810 (Star) κ² Indi 222436.8-721520 (Star system) ν Indi 225439.4-700425 (Star) ρ Indi