Natura - nature actualia - actual entities Mundus Plinius - physical world Caelum veter. - region of the fixed stars (Constellation) Chamaeleon Bayer, 1603 - Cha 081831.6-765511 (Star) α Chamaeleontis 082038.5-772904 (Star system) θ Chamaeleontis 084119.5-785748 (Star) η Chamaeleontis 092409.1-804713 (Star) ι Chamaeleontis 093353.2-805629 (Star) ζ Chamaeleontis 094620.6-764634 (Star) ν Chamaeleontis 100043.7-821253 (Star) μ¹ Chamaeleontis 100407.6-813357 (Star) μ² Chamaeleontis 103528.1-783628 (Star) γ Chamaeleontis 104515.7-802811 (Star system) δ¹ Chamaeleontis 104546.8-803225 (Star) δ² Chamaeleontis 113715.6-755348 (Star) π Chamaeleontis 115937.3-781319 (Star system) ε Chamaeleontis 120446.5-763109 (Star) κ Chamaeleontis 121820.7-791844 (Star) β Chamaeleontis