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Biogeographic realm: Neotropical (ecological region)
Classification by:

(Sphere) [Biosphere] (Earth) - zone of life
   (Biogeographic realm) Neotropical
     037 (Ecoregion complex) Greater Antillean Moist Forests
     038 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Talamancan-Isthmian Pacific Forests
     039 (Ecoregion complex) Chocó-Darién Moist Forests
     040 (Ecoregion complex) Northern Andean Montane Forests
     041 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Coastal Venezuela Montane Forests
     042 (Ecoregion complex) Guianan Moist Forests
     043 (Ecoregion complex) Napo Moist Forests
     044 (Ecoregion complex) Rio Negro-Juruá Moist Forests
     045 (Ecoregion complex) Guayanan Highlands Moist Forests
     046 (Ecoregion complex) Central Andean Yungas
     047 (Ecoregion complex) Southwestern Amazonian Moist Forests
     048 (Ecoregion complex) Atlantic Forests
     056 (Ecoregion complex) Mexican Dry Forests
     057 (Ecoregion complex) Tumbesian-Andean Valleys Dry Forests
     058 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Chiquitano Dry Forests (Neotropic)
     059 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Atlantic Dry Forests (Neotropic)
     062 (Ecoregion complex) Greater Antillean Pine Forests
     063 (Ecoregion complex) Mesoamerican Pine-Oak Forests
     076 (Ecoregion complex) Valdivian Temperate Rainforests/Juan Fernández Islands
     092 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Llanos Savannas
     093 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Cerrado Woodlands and Savannas
     095 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Patagonian Steppe (Neotropic)
     100 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Everglades Flooded Grasslands
     101 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Pantanal Flooded Savannas
     108 (Ecoregion complex) Northern Andean Paramo
     109 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Central Andean Dry Puna (Neotropic)
     122 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Chilean Matorral (Neotropic)
     132 (Terrestrial ecoregion) Galápagos Islands Scrub
     133 (Ecoregion complex) Atacama-Sechura Deserts
     141 (Ecoregion complex) Guianan-Amazon Mangroves
     142 (Ecoregion complex) Panama Bight Mangroves
     147 (Ecoregion complex) Amazon River and Flooded Forests
     148 (Freshwater ecoregion) Orinoco River and Flooded Forests
     152 (Freshwater ecoregion) Upper Amazon Rivers and Streams
     153 (Freshwater ecoregion) Upper Paraná Rivers and Streams
     154 (Freshwater ecoregion) Brazilian Shield Amazonian Rivers and Streams
     178 (Freshwater ecoregion) Guianan Freshwater
     179 (Freshwater ecoregion) Greater Antillean Freshwater
     183 (Freshwater ecoregion) High Andean Lakes
     192 (Freshwater ecoregion) Mexican Highland Lakes

©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024