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"New Mexico" (United States; Western short grasslands) (ecological region)
Classification by:

Natura - nature
   actualia - actual entities
     Mundus Plinius - physical world
       Astra Plinius - celestial bodies
           (Supercluster) Virgo-Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster
             (Supercluster) Virgo Supercluster
               (Cluster) Local Group
                 (Galaxy) Milky Way Galaxy veter.
                   (Spiral arm) Orion Arm
                     (Region) Local Bubble
                       Local Interstellar Cloud
                         (Planetary system) Solar System
                           (Planet-satellite system) Earth System
                             (Planet) Earth veter.
                               "spheres" (Earth)
                                 (Sphere) Biosphere (Earth) - zone of life
                                   "terrestrial and freshwater ecoregions"
                                     (Bioregion) New World
                                       (Biogeographic realm) Nearctic
                                         "terrestrial ecoregions" (Nearctic)
                                           (Terrestrial ecoregion) Western short grasslands (Nearctic)
                                             "United States" (Western short grasslands)
                                               "New Mexico" (United States; Western short grasslands)

©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024