Natura - nature actualia - actual entities Mundus Plinius - physical world Astra Plinius - celestial bodies Universe (Supercluster) Virgo-Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster (Supercluster) Virgo Supercluster (Cluster) Local Group (Galaxy) Milky Way Galaxy veter. (Spiral arm) Orion Arm (Region) Local Bubble Local Interstellar Cloud (Planetary system) Solar System (Planet-satellite system) Earth System (Planet) Earth veter. "spheres" (Earth) (Sphere) Biosphere (Earth) - zone of life "geopolitical regions" (Region) World (Region) Americas (Region) North America 1 (State) Alaska (United States) 2 (Country) Greenland (Denmark) 3 (Country) Canada (1867-present) 4 (Territory) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) 5 (Country) United States (1776-present) 6 (Territory) Bermuda (United Kingdom)