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Taxon: Family Stercorariidae Gray, 1870 (bird)
Classification by:

Subclass Avialae Gauthier, 1986 see Clade Avialae Gauthier 1986
   Infraclass Aves Linnaeus, 1758 see Subclass Aves Linnaeus, 1758
     Parvclass Neornithes Gadow, 1893 see Subclass Neornithes Gadow, 1893
       Cohort Neognathae Pycraft, 1900
         Subcohort Neoaves Sibley et al., 1988
           Division Terrestrornithes B.C. Livezey & R.L. Zusi, 2007
             Subdivision Telmatorae Lowe, 1931
               Superorder Charadriimorphae Huxley, 1867
                 Order Charadriiformes Huxley, 1867 - shorebirds, gulls, auks
                   Suborder Lari Sharpe, 1891 - gulls and allies
                     Infraorder Larides Sharpe, 1891
                       Superfamily Laroidea Vigors, 1825
                         Family Stercorariidae Gray, 1870 - skuas

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024