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Taxon: Family Aplodontidae Trouessart, 1897, orth. inval. (mammal)
Classification by:

Vertebrata Cuvier, 1812 - vertebrates
       Tetrapoda Hatschek & Cori 1896 [Gauthier, Kluge & Rowe 1988]
         Amniota Haeckel, 1866 [Gauthier, Kluge & Rowe 1988] - amniotes
           Class Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758 - mammals
             Subclass Theria Parker & Haswell, 1897
               Theria of Metatherian-Eutherian grade
                 Infraclass Eutheria Gill, 1872
                   Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 - rodents
                     Suborder Sciurognathi (Tullberg, 1899) see Suborder Sciuromorpha Brandt, 1855
                       Infraorder Protrogomorpha (Zittel, 1893)
                         Superfamily Aplodontoidea Matthew, 1910, orth. inval. see Superfamily Aplodontioidea Brandt, 1855
                           Family Aplodontidae Trouessart, 1897, orth. inval. - sewellel see Family Aplodontiidae Brandt, 1855

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024