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Taxon: Genus Perognathus Wied-Neuwied, 1839 (mammal)
Classification by:

Class [Mammalia] Linnaeus, 1758 - mammals
   Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 - rodents
     Family Heteromyidae Gray, 1868 - pocket mice, kangaroo rats, and kangaroo mice
       Genus Perognathus Wied-Neuwied, 1839 - silky pocket mice
         01 Perognathus alticola Rhoads, 1894 - white-eared pocket mouse
         02 Perognathus amplus Osgood, 1900 - Arizona pocket mouse
         03 Perognathus anthonyi Osgood, 1900 - Anthony's pocket mouse
         04 Perognathus arenarius Merriam, 1894 - little desert pocket mouse see Chaetodipus arenarius Merriam, 1894
         05 Perognathus artus - narrow-skulled pocket mouse see Chaetodipus artus Osgood, 1900
         06 Perognathus dalquesti Roth, 1976 - Dalquest's pocket mouse
         07 Perognathus fasciatus Wied-Neuwied, 1839 - olive-backed pocket mouse
         08 Perognathus flavescens Merriam, 1889 - plains pocket mouse
         09 Perognathus flavus Baird, 1855 - silky pocket mouse
         10 Perognathus goldmani - Goldman's pocket mouse see Chaetodipus goldmani Osgood, 1900
         11 Perognathus inornatus Merriam, 1889 - San Joaquin pocket mouse
         12 Perognathus lineatus - lined pocket mouse see Chaetodipus lineatus Dalquest, 1951
         13 Perognathus longimembris (Coues, 1875) - little pocket mouse
         14 Perognathus parvus (Peale, 1848) - Great Basin pocket mouse
         15 Perognathus pernix - Sinaloan pocket mouse see Chaetodipus pernix J. A. Allen, 1898
         16 Perognathus xanthonotus Grinnell, 1912 - yellow-eared pocket mouse see Perognathus xanthanotus Grinnell, 1912

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024