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Taxon: Species Psittacella madaraszi Meyer, 1886 (bird)
Classification by:

Neornithes Gadow, 1893 - living birds
   Neognathae Pycraft 1900 see Cohort Neognathae Pycraft, 1900
     Neoaves Sibley et al. 1988 see Subcohort Neoaves Sibley et al., 1988
       Order [Psittaciformes] Wagler, 1830 [monotypic] - parrots
         Family Psittacidae Illiger, 1811 - cockatoos and parrots
           Subfamily Psittacinae Illiger, 1811 - typical parrots
             Tribe Platycercini
               Genus Psittacella Schlegel, 1871
                 Psittacella madaraszi Meyer, 1886 - Madarasz's tiger-parrot
                   1 Psittacella madaraszi major Rothschild, 1936
                   2 Psittacella madaraszi hallstromi Mayr & Gilliard, 1951
                   3 Psittacella madaraszi huonensis Mayr & Rand, 1935
                   4 Psittacella madaraszi madaraszi Meyer, 1886

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024