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Taxon: Family Megapodagrionidae Tillyard, 1917 (insect)
Classification by:

living organisms see Clade Biota Wagner 2004 [Wiemann, de Queiroz, Rowe, Planavsky, Anderson, Gogarten, Turner & Gauthier 2020]
   Superkingdom Eukaryotae see Domain Eukaryota Chatton, 1925
     Kingdom Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 - animals
       Subkingdom Eumetazoa Butschli, 1910 see [unranked] Eumetazoa Bütschli, 1910
         Phylum Arthropoda Siebold, 1848 - arthropods
           Subphylum Uniramia Snodgrass, 1935 see Phylum Arthropoda Siebold, 1848
             Class Insecta Linnaeus, 1758 - insects
               Subclass Pterygota Lang, 1888 - winged insects see Infraclass Pterygota Lang, 1888
                 Infraclass Paleoptera - ancient winged insects see Infraclass Pterygota Lang, 1888
                   Order Odonata Fabricius, 1793 - dragonflies and damselflies
                     Suborder Zygoptera Selys, 1854 - damselflies
                       Superfamily Coenagrionoidea Kirby, 1890
                         Family Megapodagrionidae Tillyard, 1917
                           01 Genus Neurolestes Selys, 1882
                           02 Genus Megapodagrion Selys, 1885
                           03 Genus Philogenia Selys, 1862
                           04 Genus Nesolestes Selys, 1891
                           05 Genus Tatocnemis Kirby, 1889
                           06 Genus Amanipodagrion Pinhey, 1962
                           07 Genus Coryphagrion Morton, 1924
                           08 Genus Rhinagrion Calvert, 1913
                           09 Genus Argiolestes Selys, 1862
                           10 Genus Podopteryx Selys, 1871

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024