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Person: W. Foissner
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W. Foissner (Wilhelm)


Foissner, W., Blatterer, H. & Foissner, I., 1988. The Hemimastigophora (Hemimastix amphikineta nov. gen., nov. spec.), a New Protistan Phylum from Gondwanian Soils. Europ. J. Protistol. 23 (4), Oct 1988: 361-383.
Foissner, I. & Foissner, W., 1992. The fine structure of two new hemimastigophoran flagellates related to Spironema multiciliatum KLEBS, 1893. Europ. J. Protistol. 28: 340.
Foissner, W., 1996. A redescription of Remanella multinucleata (Kahl, 1933) nov. gen., nov. comb. (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea), emphasizing the infraciliature and extrusomes. Europ. J. Protistol. 32(2), 31 May 1996: 234-250.
Berger, H. & Foissner, W., 1997. Cladistic Relationships and Generic Characterization of Oxytrichid Hypotrichs (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Arch. Protistenk. 148: 125-155.
Lobban, C.S., Schefter, M., Simpson, A.G.B., Pochon, X., Pawlowski, J. & Foissner, W., 2002. Maristentor dinoferus n. gen., n. sp., a giant heterotrich ciliate (Spirotrichea: Heterotrichida) with zooxanthellae, from coral reefs on Guam, Mariana Islands. Marine biology 140 (2), Feb 2002: 411-423.
Foissner, W., 2003. Cultellothrix velhoi gen. n., sp. n., a new spathidiid ciliate (Ciliophora: Haptorida) from a Brazilian floodplain soil. Acta Protozool. 42, 25 Feb 2003: 47-54.
Foissner, W., 2003. Morphology and ontogenesis of Bromeliophrya brasiliensis gen. n., sp. n., a new ciliate (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Brazilian tank bromeliads (Bromeliaceae). Acta Protozool. 42, 25 Feb 2003: 55-70.
Sonntag, B. & Foissner, W., 2004. Urotricha psenneri n. sp. and Amphileptus piger (Vuxanovici, 1962) n. comb., Two Planktonic Ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from an Oligotrophic Lake in Austria. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 51: 670-677.
Berger, H., Al-Rasheid, K.A.S. & Foissner, W., 2006. Morphology and cel division of Saudithrix terricola n. gen., n. sp., a large, stichotrich ciliate from Saudi Arabia. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 53 (4): 260-268.


Foissner, W. & Foissner, I., 2000. Hemimastigophora. In Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P., An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa, Second Edition, vol. 2. Society of Protozoologists, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.: 1185-1186.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024