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Taxon: Genus "Millepes" Oken, 1815, nom. inval. (crustacean) [unverified]


Original name Oken, L. 1815. Lehrb. Nat. 3 (1): 389.


Name occurring in a work entered in the Official Index (nom. inval.) [ICZN, 1999: Art. 80.7.2] Ref: R.V. Melville & J.D.D. Smith (eds.), 1987. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, U.K.: 319 (Opinion 417). [implicit]


Junior homonym (unavailable)Millepes (Genus) Mörch, 1852 Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present: 7 Apr 2021.
Junior homonym (unavailable)Millepes (Subgenus) Mörch, 1852 Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present: 7 Apr 2021.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024