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Monotypic taxon: Order Hymenophyllales Link (1833) (plant)


SN2000 author citation H.F. Link, 1833, orth. corr.
Original name & rank Link, H.F. 1833. Handbuch 3: 36 ("O."[Order], "Hymenophylleae").
Subsequent spelling
Subsequent publication Frank, A.B. 1877. In J. Leunis, Syn. Pflanzenk. (ed. 2) 3: 1452, 1474. ["Hymenophyllaceae"].


Corrected termination of typified name (: orth. corr.) [ICBN/ICN, 2012: Art. 17.1 (order-suborder)] Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present. Syst. Nat. 2000: 14 Oct 2022.


Automatically typified subtaxonHymenophyllaceae (Family) Mart. (1835)
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024