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Taxon: Genus Thalassomyces Niezab. (1913) (protist)


SN2000 author citation E.L. Niezabitowski, 1913, nom. bot.
Original name Niezab., 1913. Kosmos 38: 1563.


Botanical name (: nom. bot.) Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present. Syst. Nat. 2000: 21 Feb 2016.


Type ofThalassomycetaceae (Family) Niezab. (1913) Ref: F. Gómez, 2012: table 2 (p. 73). [inferred]
Type ofThalassomycetales (Order) A.R. Loebl. (1970) Ref: F. Gómez, 2012: table 2 (p. 73). [inferred]
TypeThalassomyces spiczakovii Niezabitowski Ref: Index Fungorum, present: 3 Jan 2014.


Name in current code of nomenclatureThalassomyces (Genus) Niezabitowski, 1913 Ref: F. Gómez, 2012: table 1 (p. 69). [inferred]
Name in former code of nomenclatureThalassomyces (Genus) Niezabitowski, 1913 Ref: F. Gómez, 2012: table 2 (p. 73). [inferred]


Synonymous nameStaphylocystis (Genus) Coutière (1911) Ref: F. Gómez, 2012: table 2 (p. 73).
IncludingAmallocystis (Genus) Fage (1936) Ref: F. Gómez, 2012: table 2 (p. 73).
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024