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Taxon: Family Diodontidae - balloonfishes (fish)


TypeDiodon (Genus) Linnaeus, 1758

Vernacular Names (Dutch)

Full nameegelvissen

Vernacular Names (English)

Full nameballoonfishes Ref: I.V. Volvenko et al., 2020: 16.
burrfishes Ref: I.V. Volvenko et al., 2020: 16.
porcupine fishes Ref: I.V. Volvenko et al., 2020: 16.
porcupinefishes and burrfishes Ref: W.N. Eschmeyer, 1998: 2493.

Vernacular Names (Russian)

Full nameЕжи-рыбы [Ezhi-ryby] Ref: I.V. Volvenko et al., 2020: 16.
двузубовые [dvuzubovye] Ref: I.V. Volvenko et al., 2020: 16.
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024