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Taxon: Family Phalangeridae Thomas, 1888 - possums and cuscuses (mammal)


Original name Thomas, 1888:126.
Original rank
Original spelling


Nominotypical taxon ofPhalangeroidea (Superfamily) Thomas, 1888
Nominotypical taxon [ICZN]Phalangerinae (Subfamily) Thomas, 1888


Different rankPhalangerinae (Subfamily) Thomas, 1888


Synonymous namePhalangistidae (Family) Gray, 1821 Ref: PBDB: 29 Nov 2019.
Synonymous namePhalangistina (Family) (Gray, 1825) Ref: PBDB: 27 Oct 2013.
IncludingAiluropinae (Subfamily) Flannery et al., in M. Archer, ed., 1987 Ref: M.C. McKenna & S.K. Bell, 1997
IncludingBurramyidae (Family) Broom, 1898 Ref: G.G. Simpson, 1945
IncludingPetauridae (Family) Bonaparte, 1838 Ref: G.G. Simpson, 1945
IncludingPhascolarctidae (Family) Owen, 1839 Ref: G.G. Simpson, 1945
IncludingTarsipedidae (Family) Gervais & Verreaux, 1842 Ref: G.G. Simpson, 1945

Vernacular Names (Dutch)

Full nameklimbuideldieren

Vernacular Names (English)

Full namepossums and cuscuses
phalangers Ref: G.B. Corbet & J.E. Hill, 1991
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024