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Taxon: Genus †Tellinites McCoy, 1851, nom. illeg. (mollusc)


SN2000 author citation F. McCoy, 1851, nom. praeocc.
Original name, rank & spelling MᶜCoy, F. 1851. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 7 (37): 51 ("Tellinites affinis (MᶜCoy)").
Subsequent publication Williams, H.S. & Breger, C.L. 1916. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. (89): 163 ("Genus ... McCoy").


Junior homonym (nom. illeg.: "nom. praeocc.") [ICZN] Ref: V.G. Millard, 1997. Classif. Moll.: 339 ("non Scholtheim, 1813").
Available name: combined description of genus and species [ICZN, 1999: Art. 12.2.6 (<1931)] Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present. Syst. Nat. 2000: 22 Dec 2021.


Senior homonymTellinites (Genus) Gesner, 1758 Ref: V.G. Millard, 1997: 339 ("Scholtheim, 1813").
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024