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Crown clade: Equisetum Linnaeus 1753 [Cantino & Donoghue 2007] (plant)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Plantae


Node-based clade Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14 ("branch-modified node-based").
Crown clade Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14 ("most inclusive crown clade").
Reference phylogeny [PhyloCode] Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14 ("Pryer & al. (2004b: Fig. 3). See also Rothwell (1999), Pryer & al. (2001), Des Marais & al. (2003), Guillon (2004), and Schuettpelz & al. (2006).").

Defined by the most inclusive crown clade containing

Equisetum fluviatile L. (1753) Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14.

Defined by excluded taxon

Ginkgo biloba L. (1771) Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14.
Marattia attenuata Labill. (1824) Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14.
Ophioglossum reticulatum L. (1753) Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14.
Psilotum nudum (L.) P.Beauv. (1805) Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14.
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn (1879) Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14.

Original position

Monilophyta (Clade) Cantino & Donoghue 2007, nom. cl. inval. Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E13 ("total clade"), fig. 1.

Original entries

Equisetum (Genus) L. (1753) Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E14 ("All extant species of the genus Equisetum (see lists in Des Marais & al., 2003 and Guillon, 2004) and any extinct species that fall within the crown clade.").

Current position

Monilophyta (Clade) Cantino & Donoghue 2007, nom. cl. inval. Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E13. [new rank]

Historical positions

Monilophyta (Clade) Cantino & Donoghue 2007, nom. cl. inval. Ref: P.D. Cantino et al., 2007: E13-E14, table 1 (p. [E]5), fig. 1. [new rank]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024