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Taxon: Class? Murracyteae Haeckel (1890) (alga)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Plantae

Original position

Protophyta (Subkingdom) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1890: 27.

Original entries

Murracystis (Genus) Haeckel (1890) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1890: 30 (footnote).
Nectocystis (Genus) Haeckel (1890) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1890: 30 (footnote).
Photocystis (Genus) Haeckel (1890) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1890: 30 (footnote).
Pyrocystis (Genus) J. Murray ex Haeckel (1890) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1890: 30 (footnote).

Current position

Protophyta (Subkingdom) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1891: 258. [inferred rank]

Historical positions

Protophyta (Subkingdom) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1891: 258; 260.
Protophyta (Subkingdom) Ref: E. Haeckel, 1890: 27; 29. [new taxon]

Number of Subtaxa

1891 E. Haeckel: 261 (footnote) [4g;4s]
1890 E. Haeckel: 30 (footnote) [4g;4s]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024