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Taxon: Tribe Ovibovini Gill, 1872 (mammal)
Classification by:

Mammaliaformes Rowe 1988
   [crown] Class Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758 - mammals
     Subclass Theriiformes Rowe, 1988 see Division Theriiformes Rowe, 1988
       Infraclass Holotheria Wible, Rougier, Novacek, McKenna & Dashzeveg, 1995 see Clade Holotheria Wible, Rougier, Novacek, McKenna & Dashzeveg 1995
         Superlegion Trechnotheria McKenna, 1975 see Clade Trechnotheria McKenna 1975
           Legion Cladotheria McKenna, 1975 see Clade Cladotheria McKenna 1975
             Sublegion Zatheria McKenna, 1975 see Clade Zatheria McKenna 1975
               Infralegion Tribosphenida McKenna, 1975 see Subclass Boreosphenida Luo, Cifelli & Kielan-Jaworowska, 2001
                 [crown] Supercohort Theria Parker & Haswell, 1897 - therians see Subclass Theria Parker & Haswell, 1897
                   Cohort Placentalia Owen, 1837 - placentals
                     Magnorder Epitheria McKenna, 1975 see Cohort Placentalia Owen, 1837
                       Superorder Preptotheria McKenna, 1975
                         Grandorder Ungulata Linnaeus, 1766
                           Mirorder Eparctocyona McKenna, 1975
                             Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 - even-toed ungulates see Order Cetartiodactyla Montgelard, Catzeflis & Douzery, 1997
                               Suborder Ruminantia Scopoli, 1777
                                 Superfamily Bovoidea Gray, 1821
                                   Family Bovidae Gray, 1821 - antelope, cattle, bison, buffalo, goats, and sheep
                                     Subfamily Caprinae Gray, 1821
                                       Tribe Ovibovini Gill, 1872
                                         01 Genus †Damalavus Arambourg, 1959
                                         02 Genus †Urmiatherium Rodler, 1888
                                         03 Genus †Tsaidamotherium Bohlin, 1935
                                         04 Genus †Parurmiatherium Sickenberg, 1932
                                         05 Genus †Palaeoreas Gaudry, 1861
                                         06 Genus †Palaeoryx Gaudry, 1861
                                         07 Genus †Criotherium Forsyth Major, 1891
                                         08 Genus †Lyrocerus Teilhard de Chardin & Trassaert, 1938
                                         09 Genus †Makapania Wells & Cooke, 1957
                                         10 Genus †Megalovis Schaub, 1923
                                         11 Genus Budorcas Hodgson, 1850 - takin
                                         12 Genus †Praeovibos Staudinger, 1908
                                         13 Genus †Bootherium Leidy, 1852
                                         14 Genus Ovibos Blainville, 1816 - muskox
                                         15 Genus †Symbos Osgood, 1905
                                         16 Genus †Soergelia Schaub, 1951
                                         17 Genus †Boopsis Teilhard de Chardin, 1936
                                         18 Genus †Euceratherium Furlong & Sinclair, 1904

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024