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Taxon: Phylum Echiura Sedgwick, 1898 - spoon worms, echiurans (invertebrate)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Animalia

Subsequent positions

Neotrochozoa ([unranked]) K.J. Peterson & D.J. Eernisse, 2001 Ref: K.J. Peterson & D.J. Eernisse, 2001: 172.

Current position

Eutrochozoa (Superphylum) Ghiselin, 1988 Ref: K.J. Peterson & D.J. Eernisse, 2001: 172. [implicit]

Alternative positions

Animalia (Kingdom) Linnaeus, 1758 Ref: Z.-Q. Zhang, 2013: 8.
Articulata ([unranked]) Cuvier
Eucoelomata (Section) Ref: T.I. Storer et al., 1979: 323.
Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) Butschli, 1910 Ref: S.J. Edmonds, 1982: 65.
Lophotrochozoa (Superphylum) Halanych, Bacheller, Aguinaldo, Liva, Hillis & Lake, 1995 Ref: 06/12/2004
Metazoa (Kingdom) Haeckel, 1874
Neotrochozoa ([unranked]) K.J. Peterson & D.J. Eernisse, 2001 Ref: K.J. Peterson & D.J. Eernisse, 2001: 172. [new position]
Protostoma (Series) Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1982: 214.
protostomes (Clade) Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1998: 282-285.
Pulvinifera ([unranked]) Ref: E.E. Ruppert et al., 2004: 495. [implicit]
Trochozoa ([unranked]) Beklemischev, 1944 Ref: G. Giribet et al., 2000: 551.

Historical positions

Animalia (Kingdom) Linnaeus, 1758 Ref: Z.-Q. Zhang, 2013: 8.
Animalia (Kingdom) Linnaeus, 1758 Ref: Z.-Q. Zhang, 2011: 10.
Pulvinifera ([unranked]) Ref: E.E. Ruppert et al., 2004: 490-495, 502, fig. 9.26B. [implicit]
Neotrochozoa ([unranked]) K.J. Peterson & D.J. Eernisse, 2001 Ref: K.J. Peterson & D.J. Eernisse, 2001: 172, [176]; 205. [new position]
organisms ([unranked]) Ref: J. van der Land, 2001: 178.
Trochozoa ([unranked]) Beklemischev, 1944 Ref: G. Giribet et al., 2000: 551, fig. 4; 544, tab. 1.
protostomes (Clade) Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1998: 282-285.
Animalia (Kingdom) Linnaeus, 1758 Ref: 1998
Animalia (Kingdom) Linnaeus, 1758 Ref: 1995
Animalia (Kingdom) Linnaeus, 1758 Ref: R.C. Brusca & G.J. Brusca, 1990: 444-449; 4.
Protostomia ([unranked]) Grobben, 1908 Ref: R.C. Brusca & G.J. Brusca, 1990: 118. [alternative position]
Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) Butschli, 1910 Ref: S.J. Edmonds, 1982: 65.
Protostoma (Series) Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1982: 214-215.
Eucoelomata (Section) Ref: T.I. Storer et al., 1979: 323.

Number of Subtaxa

1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 3o;4f;40g;168s; †2g;2s
2013 Z.-Q. Zhang: 8 198s; †0s
2011 Z.-Q. Zhang: 10 236s
2011 Z.-Q. Zhang: 10 236s
1997 TAMU 40g168s; †2g2s
1990 R.C. Brusca & G.J. Brusca 135s
1982 S.J. Edmonds 3o;[4f];32[34]g;140[137]s
1982 L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz 130s
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024