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Branch-based clade: Dryolestida Prothero 1981 (mammal)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Animalia - (Phylum) Chordata - (Class) Mammalia


Branch-based clade Ref: A.O. Averianov et al., 2013: 321 ("stem-based taxon").
Reference phylogeny [PhyloCode] Ref: A.O. Averianov et al., 2013: fig. 2. [implicit]

Defined by included taxon (and all taxa more closely related to it than to the excluded taxon)

Dryolestes priscus Marsh, 1878 Ref: A.O. Averianov et al., 2013: 321.

Defined by excluded taxon

Peramus tenuirostris Owen, 1871 Ref: A.O. Averianov et al., 2013: 321.

Generic clade

Dryolestida (Clade) Prothero 1981 Ref: A.O. Averianov et al., 2013: 321.

Current position

Cladotheria (Clade) McKenna 1975 Ref: A.O. Averianov et al., 2013: 321.

Alternative positions

Mammalia (Clade) Linnaeus 1758 [Rowe 1988], nom. cl. inval. Ref: T. Rowe, 1988: fig. 4.

Historical positions

Cladotheria (Clade) McKenna 1975 Src: A.O. Averianov et al., 2013: 321.
Theriimorpha (Clade) Rowe 1993 Src: M.A. O'Leary et al., 2013: table S2 (p. 85).
Mammalia (Clade) Linnaeus 1758 [Rowe 1988], nom. cl. inval. Src: T. Rowe, 1988: fig. 4.
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024