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Branch-based clade: Tyrannosauroidea Walker 1964 [Sereno 1998] (dinosaur)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Animalia - (Phylum) Chordata - (Class) Reptilia


Branch-based clade Ref: P.C. Sereno, 1998: table 4 (p. 65).

Defined by included taxon (and all taxa more closely related to it than to the excluded taxon)

Tyrannosaurus (Genus) Osborn, 1905 Ref: P.C. Sereno, 1998: table 4 (p. 65).

Defined by excluded taxon

Neornithes (Clade) Gadow, 1893 Ref: P.C. Sereno, 1998: table 4 (p. 65).

Branch-based clade

Tyrannosauroidea (Clade) Walker 1964 [Sereno 1998] Ref: C. Hendrickx et al., 2015: table (p. 72) (Sereno, 2005).

Subsequent entries

Aviatyrannis (Genus) Rauhut, 2003
Guanlong (Genus) Xu, Clark, Forster, Norell, Erickson, Eberth, Jia & Zhao, 2006 Ref: X. Xu et al., 2006: 715.

Current position

Tyrannoraptora (Clade) Sereno 1999, nom. cl. inval. Ref: T.R. Holtz Jr. & H. Osmólska, 2004: fig. S.2.

Alternative positions

Coelurosauria (Clade) Huene 1914 [Gauthier 1986] Ref: C. Hendrickx et al., 2015: 11 (fig. 4).
Maniraptoriformes (Clade) Holtz 1995 [Holtz 1996] Ref: P.C. Sereno, 1998: table 4 (p. 65).

Historical positions

Coelurosauria (Clade) Huene 1914 [Gauthier 1986] Ref: C. Hendrickx et al., 2015: table (p. 72), figs. 1, 4.
Coelurosauria (Clade) Huene 1914 [Gauthier 1986] Ref: L.E. Zanno, 2010: fig. 6.
Tyrannoraptora (Clade) Sereno 1999, nom. cl. inval. Ref: T.R. Holtz Jr., 2004: 111-136, table 5.1 (p. [112]), fig. 5.22; figs. S.2, 4.20.
Maniraptoriformes (Clade) Holtz 1995 [Holtz 1996] Ref: P.C. Sereno, 1998: table 4 (p. 65), fig. 9A.

Number of Subtaxa

2025 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 †2f;22g;18s
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024