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Taxon: Order Lyssacinosa Zittel, 1877 (sponge)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Animalia - (Phylum) Porifera - (Class) Hexactinellida

Current position

Hexasterophora (Subclass) Schulze, 1886 Ref: J.N.A. Hooper et al., 2011: 17. [alternative name]

Historical positions

Hexasterophora (Subclass) Schulze, 1886 Ref: J.N.A. Hooper et al., 2011: 17. [alternative name]
Hexasterophora (Subclass) Schulze, 1886 Ref: R.M. Finks & J.K. Rigby, 2004b: 421; 6, 449, table 1 (p. 803).
Hexasterophora (Subclass) Schulze, 1886 Ref: R.W.M. van Soest, 2001: 103.

Number of Subtaxa

1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 [4f;49g]
2011 J.N.A. Hooper et al.: 17 †12f;36g
2004a J.K. Rigby: 6 [4f]; †[8f];36g
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024