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Monophyletic taxon: "rosids" (plant)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Plantae - (Phylum) Tracheophyta - (Class) Magnoliopsida

Current position

superrosids ([unranked]) Ref: APG IV, 2016: App. (p. 16).

Alternative positions

core eudicots ([unranked]) Ref: D.J. Mabberley, 2017: App. (p. 1002).

Historical positions

['Core Eudicots'] ([unranked]) Ref: D.J. Mabberley, 2017: App. (p. 1002).
Superrosids ([unranked]) Ref: APG IV, 2016: fig. 1, App. (p. 16).
core eudicots ([unranked]) Ref: APG III, 2009: 112, fig. 1.
Angiosperms ([unranked]) Ref: T.N. Taylor et al., 2009: App. 1 (p. 1029).
core eudicots ([unranked]) Ref: P.S. Soltis et al., 2004: fig. 11.7b.
core eudicots ([unranked]) Ref: APG II, 2003: 406-408, 418, fig. 1.
core eudicots ([unranked]) Ref: APG, 1998: 540, fig. 1.

Number of Subtaxa

2017 D.J. Mabberley: App. (p. 1005) [17o;132f]
2016 APG IV: App. (p. 18) [17o;135f]
2009 APG III: 115 [17o;133f]
2003 APG II [13o;127f]
1998 APG: 541 [11o;136f]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024