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Taxon: Family Thylacinidae Bonaparte, 1838 (mammal)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Animalia - (Phylum) Chordata - (Class) Mammalia - (Order) Dasyuromorphia

Subsequent positions

Dasyuromorphia (Grandorder) Gill, 1872 Ref: M.C. McKenna & S.K. Bell, 1997: 54.

Original entries

Questionably Muribacinus (Genus) Wroe, 1996
Questionably Nimbacinus (Genus) Muirhead & Archer, 1990

Subsequent entries

Thylacinus (Genus) Temminck, 1824

Current position

Dasyuromorphia (Order) Gill, 1872 Ref: C.J. Burgin et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 26).

Alternative positions

Borhyaenoidea (Superfamily) Ameghino, 1894
Dasyuroidea (Suborder) Goldfuss, 1820 Ref: R.L. Carroll, 1988: 628.
Dasyuroidea (Superfamily) (Goldfuss, 1820)
Dasyuromorphia (Grandorder) Gill, 1872 Ref: M.C. McKenna & S.K. Bell, 1997: 54. [new position]
Marsupialia (Order) Jameson, 1818 Ref: R.M. Nowak, 1991: 29.
Marsupicarnivora (Order) Ride, 1964 Ref: A.F. DeBlase, 1982: 1017.

Historical positions

Dasyuromorphia (Order) Gill, 1872 Ref: C.J. Burgin et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 26).
Dasyuromorphia (Order) Gill, 1872 Ref: D.E. Wilson & D.M. Reeder, 2011: 56.
Dasyuromorphia (Order) Gill, 1872 Ref: C.P. Groves, 2005: 23.
Dasyuromorphia (Grandorder) Gill, 1872 Ref: M.C. McKenna & S.K. Bell, 1997: 54. [new position]
Marsupialia (Order) Jameson, 1818 Ref: 1995
Dasyuromorphia (Order) Gill, 1872 Ref: C.P. Groves, 1993: 29; 4.
Marsupialia (Order) Jameson, 1818 Ref: G.B. Corbet & J.E. Hill, 1991: 15.
Marsupialia (Order) Jameson, 1818 Ref: R.M. Nowak, 1991: 29.
Dasyuroidea (Suborder) Goldfuss, 1820 Ref: R.L. Carroll, 1988: 628.
Marsupicarnivora (Order) Ride, 1964 Ref: A.F. DeBlase, 1982: 1017.

Number of Subtaxa

2024 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 ‡1g;1s‡‡2g
1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 ‡1g;1s‡‡2g
2011 D.E. Wilson & D.M. Reeder: 56 1g;1s
2005 C.P. Groves [; ‡1g;1s]
1997 M.C. McKenna & S.K. Bell [; ‡1g; †2g]
1993 C.P. Groves ‡1g;1s
1991 R.M. Nowak ‡1g;1s
1991 G.B. Corbet & J.E. Hill ‡[1g];1s
1982 A.F. DeBlase 1g;1s
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024