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Taxon: Phylum Rhodophyta Wettst. (1901) - red algae (alga)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Plantae

Included, by definition, in branch-based clade

Rhodaria (Clade) Cavalier-Smith 2021 Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2022(2021): 552.

Subsequent positions

Rhodaria (Infrakingdom) Caval.-Sm. (2021) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2022(2021): 552.
Rhodophyta (Infrakingdom) Wettst. (1901) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 1998: 250. [assumed]
Rhodoplantae (Subkingdom) G.W.Saunders & Hommers. (2004) Ref: G.W. Saunders & M.H. Hommersand, 2004: 1503.

Subsequent entries

Eurhodophytina (Subphylum) G.W.Saunders & Hommers. (2004) Ref: G.W. Saunders & M.H. Hommersand, 2004: 1503.
Macrorhodophytina (Subphylum) Caval.-Sm. (1998)
Metarhodophytina (Subphylum) G.W.Saunders & Hommers. (2004) Ref: G.W. Saunders & M.H. Hommersand, 2004: 1503.
Rhodellophytina (Subphylum) Caval.-Sm. (1998)

Current position

Rhodoplantae (Subkingdom) G.W.Saunders & Hommers. (2004) Ref: G.W. Saunders & M.H. Hommersand, 2004: 1503.

Alternative positions

Algae ([unranked]) Ref: T.N. Taylor et al., 2009: App. 1 (p. 1027).
Biliphyta (Subkingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1981) Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 27).
Erythrobionta (Kingdom) Ref: E. Möhn, 1984
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: T. Rees et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 134).
Plantae (Supergroup) Haeckel, 1866 Ref: E.J. van Nieukerken & M. Roos, 2010: 60.
Protista (Kingdom) (Haeckel, 1866)
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1998: 180-183.
Rhodaria (Infrakingdom) Caval.-Sm. (2021) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2022(2021): 552. [new position]
Rhodophyta (Infrakingdom) Wettst. (1901) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 1998: 250. [new position]
rhodophytes ([unranked]) Ref: J.O. Corliss, 1984: abstract.
Thallophyta ([unranked])

Historical positions

Rhodaria (Infrakingdom) Caval.-Sm. (2021) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2022(2021): 552. [new position]
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: T. Rees et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 134).
Biliphyta (Subkingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1981) Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 27).
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2013(2012): 145, fig. 2. [inferred rank]
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2010a: fig. 1.
Plantae (Supergroup) Haeckel, 1866 Ref: E.J. van Nieukerken & M. Roos, 2010: 60.
Algae ([unranked]) Ref: T.N. Taylor et al., 2009: table (p. 123), App. 1 (p. 1027).
Rhodoplantae (Subkingdom) G.W.Saunders & Hommers. (2004) Ref: G.W. Saunders & M.H. Hommersand, 2004: 1503. [new position]
Biliphyta (Subkingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1981) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2004: 1252.
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1998: 180-183.
Rhodophyta (Infrakingdom) Wettst. (1901) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 1998: table 6 (p. 250). [new position]
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: P.W. Gabrielson et al., 1990: xiii, 102-118.
rhodophytes ([unranked]) Ref: J.O. Corliss, 1984: abstract.
Erythrobionta (Kingdom) Ref: E. Möhn, 1984
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: R.C. van Caenegem et al., 1979-1984
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1982: 98-99.
Biliphyta (Kingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1981) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 1981
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: R.H. Whittaker, 1969
Thallophyta ([unranked]) Ref: R. Wettstein, 1924: 61.

Number of Subtaxa

2024 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 7c;40o;88f;549g;416s;11v; †2f
1989-present Systema Naturae 2000: 22 May 2023 [7c;40o]
2020 T. Rees et al.: table 2 (p. 134) 1,711*ng;1,015*g; †6.9%g
2015b M.A. Ruggiero et al.: table 2 (p. 28) [7c;40o]
2004 G.W. Saunders & M.H. Hommersand: 1504 [4c;29o]
1998 T. Cavalier-Smith [2sp;3c]
1990 P.W. Gabrielson et al. 1c
1990 L. Margulis et al.: xiii 1c
1982 L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz 2c4,000s
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024